It's time to learn how to build a business for a lifetime by playing the long game in direct response attending...

The Overdeliver Bootcamp

Join me, Brian Kurtz, as I show you over six LIVE calls how to apply the lifelong principles from my book Overdeliver.

Over the course of three weeks, you'll see firsthand what it takes to build a career or business you can be proud of.

After more than 40 years running the publishing powerhouse Boardroom and my own business, Titans Marketing, I distilled everything I learned into my book Overdeliver.

Now I want to dive deeper and help YOU implement the bedrock principles that were so important for my career, into your life and business.

Here's Everything We'll Cover

DATES: July 16 - 30

Call 1: July 16 at 11am U.S. ET - A deep dive into the nine (9) Overdeliver marketing principles…the things that every entrepreneur, business owner, line employee needs to know (whether marketing is your “thing” or not). “Marketing isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”...and I will prove this to you at the outset of the Bootcamp.

Call 2: July 17 at 11am U.S. ET - How to build the right list for your business and continually monetize using the Recency, Frequency and Monetary value system (RFM). "Lists are people too"...which will be apparent after this call (including the paramount importance of "lists" over "offers" and "creative").

Call 3: July 18 at 1:30pm U.S. ET - Creating your suite of offers. PLUS A BONUS CALL THE SAME DAY...SEE BELOW.

Call 4: July 23 at 11am U.S. ET - How to access the very best in copy and creative.

Call 5: July 25 at 1:30pm U.S. ET - Multichannel Marketing: What does it look like today when "advertising opportunities are now infinite? A guide through the maze of those opportunities and choosing the right ones for you. PLUS A BONUS CALL THE SAME DAY...SEE BELOW.

Call 6: July 30 at 11am U.S. ET - Knowing the numbers that matter...and playing the long a world of instant gratification.


BONUS CALL #1: July 18 at 11am U.S. ET: Attend A LIVE Titans Xcelerator call at no charge as part of your bootcamp experience. Titans Xcelerator is my $2,000/year private mastermind group for the next generation of Direct Response Marketers.

BONUS CALL #2: July 25 at 11am EST: Attend a second Titans Xcelerator call as part of your bootcamp experience!

Brian has delivered a career manual and strategy that covers every major principle that will affect your bottom line. Overdeliver should be on every marketer's shelf and its case studies burned into every marketer's muscle memory.

Perry Marshall
author, 80/20 Sales & Marketing, Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords and Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising

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